
How often should I get my eyes checked?

Most children and adults should have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years. Anyone with a higher risk of vision problems or eye disease may require more frequent eye examinations. Below are factors doctors consider to determine if you might require more
​​​​​​​frequent eye examinations:

  • Wear glasses or contact lenses.

  • Are over age 60.

  • Carry extra weight.

  • Are of African or Hispanic descent.

  • Have a family history of eye disease.

  • Had eye surgery, an eye injury, or eye damage from a stroke.

  • Have a health condition that can cause eye problems, such as diabetes.

At what age can I start wearing contacts?

There is no perfect age to start wearing contacts. We usually consider the maturity of the child along with taking into consideration the activities the child is in.

Is it more expensive to buy contacts at your office?

This is a common misconception. Our office can provide substantial rebates on many of our contact lens brands, Allowing you to save money on your contact lenses.

What is vision therapy?

Children can have vision problems even if their eyes are healthy and can see clearly. These problems can involve tracking issues, focusing problems, or eye coordination. If a child's eyes work improperly, it can affect their ability to learn in school. Vision therapy offers exercises to help correct vision issues and develop brain-eye communication. Dr. Worrell has been a clinical professor at UC Berkeley and specializes in infant and children's eye conditions. He advises parents to ensure their children have an eye exam before starting school.

What is low vision?

Low vision happens when you experience impaired vision due to eye disease or injury. Frequently, individuals seek examinations hoping for stronger eyewear, only to be told that standard lenses won't fix the problem. However, specialized optics are available for tailored activities such as watching TV, reading, driving, or distance viewing. These low vision aids empower individuals with congenital diseases, macular degeneration, cataracts, retinal disease, diabetes, or other conditions to achieve greater independence. Seeking assistance from low vision specialists is a specialty we provide that may benefit you.

What is Orthokeratology (Ortho-k)?

Orthokeratology, or Ortho-k, is a process that utilizes specially designed contact lenses worn while you sleep. These lenses gently reshape the cornea, the eye's front surface, improving vision during waking hours without glasses or daytime contact lenses. Beyond convenience, Ortho-k also slows the progression of myopia, particularly in children.

Will wearing glasses make my eyes worse or more dependent on them?

Wearing glasses does not deteriorate your eyesight. Glasses, contacts, and other corrective lenses improve your eyesight—provided you wear them as directed. The belief that wearing eyeglasses weakens eyesight is a prevalent myth that lacks scientific evidence.

Can I stop my nearsightedness from getting worse?

There are treatment options that can help slow down the progression of nearsightedness in kids and teenagers. These treatments may include specialized eyeglass lenses, soft contact lenses, Orthokeratology lenses, or atropine eye drops. Choosing the most appropriate myopia control treatment for your child or teenager requires considering several factors, such as their prescription, eye health, hobbies, and activities.

What do I do if I think I have an eye emergency?

If you suspect an eye emergency, please contact our office immediately. Our team is here to assist you and provide guidance on the most appropriate treatment options. Your eye health is our priority, and we are ready to support you in any emergency.

What are blue-light glasses?

Blue-light-blocking glasses have filters in their lenses that block or absorb blue light, and in some cases UV light, from getting through. That means if you use these glasses when looking at a screen, especially after dark, they can help reduce exposure to blue light waves that can keep you awake.

How can I tell if someone has eye strain or vision loss?
  • Frequent blinking or rubbing of the eyes

  • Winking one eye for better focus

  • Complaints of headaches or fatigue

  • Tilting the head to the side

  • Holding reading materials close-up to (or far away from) the face

  • Complaints of double vision

  • An eye that strays to one side or the other

  • Difficulty remembering what s/he read

  • Unusual inattention at school (often because s/he can’t see what is written on the board or text/images on a screen, etc.)